Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why the name for my blog?

So, I've been a little slow getting this blog going as my mom just reminded me this morning that I only had pictures of Dillon and quotes from Dillon so far. It is a blog for the whole family I promise! I suppose there will be times when I go a little while without a post, but I want to try to do my best to record things regularly. That leads me to why I chose the title "Our Book of Days."

I love music and one of my favorites to listen to is Enya. I don't listen to it enough lately, but I love her song "Book of Days." The lyrics to this song go like this:
One way to be my journey
this way could be my book of days.
The reason I finally decided to start a blog is so that this can be in a sense our family's "book of days." A recording of the small moments that might not otherwise be recorded. Of our daily doings, funny moments, and real life in a family of 6. I hope that it will also give us another way to stay connected to friends and family far away that we love dearly. Enjoy....


Lisa said...

Hi Laura, I love the blog! Is that an Ipod I see Emily holding? Madalyn has one just like that, isn't it sad how quickly they grow up?

Lora Gooch said...

Hi Laura. I'm glad you started one so I can see your growing family. Ours is if you want to take a look. Jordan loves his legos also, aren't they great? Lora