Sunday, October 5, 2008

We're #1! GO GIRLS!!!

5o% of us here have been sick the last few in laying-on-the-couch-all-day-and-can't-move sick. Thank goodness it was Conference Weekend and Daddy was home and healthy. It's been a good time to sit in the living room and enjoy Conference together.

As a result of being sick, I missed Emily's last game of the regular season on Saturday, but it was an awesome one. They won 8 to 6 to be in 1st place! We still have the tournament coming up, but the girls are so excited for this great accomplishment. Emily enjoyed moving up to the 9/10 years league this fall and having Joe help as an assistant coach. Emily is on the bottom row, 3rd from the left and Joe is 2nd from the left on the top row (but you could probably figure that one out!).

Here's hoping we are all in good health as a new week starts tomorrow.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Way to go Emily!!! Madalyn just moved up to the 9/10 level in soccer and likes it so much more too.